About Us


About Us

The vision of the Crossroad Church is to be a platform where people from all walks of life come, meet Jesus, undergo intentional discipleship, and be equipped to develop a missional life.


Exalt. Edify. Evangelize.

About Us

We exist to bring glory to God by exalting the Triune God, edifying the believers through the faithful teaching of the Bible, and evangelizing those who have not heard the good news of God. In short, the mission statement of Crossroad Church is: Exalt, Edify, and Evangelize.


Guiding Principles

The following four values are the guiding principles of Crossroad Church. They come from Acts 11 after the Church at Antioch.

Breaking down barriers

Crossroad Church is a community of believers who come from various cultural, linguistic, economic, age, and racial backgrounds. The church celebrates all the differences but unites under Jesus Christ. This value comes from the Church at Antioch (Acts 11:19-21)

Gospel Centered in all dealings

Crossroad Church consciously avoids any legalistic tendency and avoids Galatian heresy. We believe that we start with God’s grace, continue with God’s grace, and end with God’s grace. God has granted access to Him through Jesus Christ, our mediator. We can never bypass Jesus Christ to reach the Father. Our teaching, preaching, and lifestyle follows the Gospel filled with grace and restoration.

Deeply biblical

We believe that the Bible is the Word of God, and it is the deposit of God’s teaching for the believers. Preachers and teachers need to work hard by understanding words, structures, grammar, language, context, culture, etc., by using relevant tools to understand the mind of both human and divine authors. In the attempt, we avoid putting meaning into the Scripture but taking meaning and message from the Scripture. Therefore, the preaching is guarded by avoiding opening it to unfamiliar preachers or teachers. We believe that God continues to speak through His expounded Word!

On Great Commission with an emphasis on new church plants

The Crossroad Church believes in the growth of the church. Participation in the Great Commission is one of the main evidences of the churches growth and discipleship. Jesus Christ entrusted the preaching of the Gospel to the local churches. Therefore, for Crossroad Church, being on the Great Commission is not an option but a mandate!

Our Values


Doctrinal convictions

The Bible
We believe that all sixty-six books that comprise the Bible are the Word of God. The Bible is inspired (God-breathed) and is therefore without error in the original documents (2 Timothy 3:16). It is the complete revelation of God’s will for the salvation of men, and it is the divine and final authority for all Christian faith and practice.
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